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Anyone who thrilled to the Steelers sensational stretch run and Super Bowl XL triumph will enjoy Steeler Stuff. This is a collection of stories about some Steelers and people associated with the Steelers that merit our attention and admiration.

The majority of them are young men and they have accomplished a great deal in a short time. They have brought honour and joy to Pittsburgh and the surrounding tri-state area, as well as the Steeler Nation everywhere.

Picture the smiling faces of Jerome Bettis, Hines Ward, Ben Roethlisberger and Bill Cowher, for starters, as well as the Rooney family that founded the franchise and still directs the operation. They symbolize the Steelers of this decade. They have feel-good stories to share with us.

We can learn valuable lessons from their life experiences and the way they go about their work. They play and look after the Steelers with a special fervour and passion that sparks us all. "I take pride in what people think of me," said Alan Faneca, who overcame epilepsy to become a Pro Bowl guard.

The story of the Steelers who won Super Bowl XL is incredible. It was too hokey for Hollywood. As Bettis, known affectionately as `The Bus," said of his final season and the journey to his hometown of Detroit, "If anyone turned in a script like this, it would get turned back. It was too unbelievable."

And the story almost seemed like fiction when Ben Roethlisberger, the 24-year-old franchise quarterback, was nearly killed in a motorcycle accident in June. Who wasn't cursing him and saying a prayer for him at the same time?

SteelersUKThis is a team that people genuinely like. There are few jerks in the ranks to ruin the picture. The majority of these men are thoughtful and humble about their heroics, and their place in Pittsburgh.

I have interviewed many of these super Steelers especially for this book, and there are also stories I have written in recent years that offer special insights into these Steelers and the sports scene in my hometown.

Some of the stories have never been revealed before and they will give you an even greater appreciation for these Steelers when you learn some of the obstacles they have had to overcome to succeed in sports and, more importantly, in life.

Best wishes,

Jim O'Brien

For more details about Jim's books, you can contact him by emailing jimmyo64@gmail.com and view his web site here: www.jimobriensportsauthor.com 

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